Below are research articles on hypnosis and sports performance with the key points highlighted in blue for your ease of reading.
The International journal of clinical and experimental hypnosis. 2013 Apr;61:193-204. The effects of hypnosis on an elite senior European tour golfer: a single-subject design. John Pates University of Derby, Buxton, United Kingdom.
This study examined the effects of a hypnosis intervention on the performance and flow-state experiences of an elite senior European Tour golf professional. The experimental effect was assessed during 11 Senior European Tour golf events. Performance and flow data were analyzed using a single-subject design combined with a procedure to monitor the player's internal experience. The results indicated that the player's mean stroke average and mean flow scores increased from baseline to intervention. There were no overlapping data points between baseline and intervention conditions for both performance and flow-state scores. The qualitative data revealed hypnosis may positively control emotions, thoughts, feelings, and perceptions.